Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sometimes I Amaze Myself

Something creepy happened today.

It happened around 3 AM this morning. 

I was staring out my bedroom window, and noticed a swirl of smoke drifting above a pile of leaves beside the big old tree.

The more I stared at it, the bigger the smoke got until suddenly, it burst into flames. It was practically a bonfire.

I thought I was hallucinating, but the longer I stared, the bigger the fire got.

Eventually I ended up screaming like a lunatic, "Fire!" 

I know right, I'm such a dork.

When they say curiosity killed the cat, not this time though. Curiosity did not kill this "cat". In fact, curiosity SAVED this cat. If I hadn't bothered looking out my window into my yard, my room could have caught on fire, who knows. And this "cat" could have burnt to death!

Anyway, the whole fam came aboard my room to see what the commotion was all about and once again, Pops saved the day with a pail of water. Lol. Fine... it was pretty funny, actually.

Everyone was pondering about the cause of that flame. But I guess getting back into bed was more tempting than wrecking your brains out in the middle of the morning. Eventually everyone trudged back into their boudoirs. 

I don't know, maybe I have like this unknown super power or something. Like that kid in, 'Firestarter'.


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