Friday, December 6, 2013

We bury our love in the wintery grave, a lump in the snow was all that remained.

So I came home today and surprisingly the front door was unlocked. YAS. I usually hate that part where I have to fumble for my keys and drop things because I’m such a clumsy oaf.

“I’m home! There’s cake!” I yelled. No reply. Some sneaky rat however, was rummaging through some stuff in the kitchen. “Dad? Is that you?”

Then this noise which sounded a lot like that kid from that Juon movie emanated from the kitchen. It was obviously my Dad, trying to impersonate that eerie child.

I swear, sometimes my own family creeps me out.

On another note, I have been stalking some lesbian’s blog for quite some time now. I got it from- Ok I don’t even remember which site but her writing’s pretty deep. I think I’m falling in love with her personality. What the hell is wrong with me? Like I read shit people blog or write about and after some time, I feel like I know them and start liking them for no apparent reason, no matter how fugly they turn out to be. Heck, they could be wearing a paper bag over their head while talking to me and my heart would still freakin' skip a beat. I guess I just like who I like.

My mission in life. To like someone from afar.

I really miss kissing though. I’m lonely okay, cut me some slack. Having a busy lifestyle is a lonely road. Maybe I should just have relationships where I don’t have to put too much effort in. You know the kind, where you just kiss and shit and go on with your lives without the dramas. Open relationship? Whatever. Always being the loyal one in every relationship messes you up. It’s true when they say that loyal people go through the most bullshit. I’m a crazy mess and right now, I don’t even know what I want anymore.

I just need to feel something, anything. Getting tattooed every time I feel dead doesn’t cut it anymore. 

I need magic. Fireworks. The whole shebang.

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