Sunday, July 29, 2018

Learn to Trust the Journey, Even if you do not Understand it

So I watched ‘Titanic’ again. It was the only thing on TV worth watching, so yeah. I’ve seen this film so many times I don’t understand how I always end up crying at the end e.v.e.r.y time. This is the reason I don’t do sappy movies. 

After the movie was over, I started walking around the house, cleaning things up and wondering why they had to kill Jack’s character. I hate when a movie affects me like this. Stranger things, Lady in White, E.T., It, Magic in the Water, you know those type- that make you believe in love and magic and make you feel all sorts of feels? And when it’s over, you just like sit there, not knowing what to do next. 

Then you realize you have work tomorrow and hate your life. I’m trying to be positive until my last day of work but it’s really hard. I keep wishing for December to be over so I could finally take a long break & see the world.
Dear God, I don’t ask for much but it would be really cool if you could help me through these five months in one piece. I feel I have lost my way and all I want to do is come back from the edge but I can’t because I’m stuck here due to obligations. 

All I want is for my job to finally become a phantom of a memory and the only remnants of it will be the scars on my fingers and the bags under my eyes from all the sleepless nights and reports made from this insane period in my life. 

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